G90 vs F2329 (A153)
How is G90 galvanized steel different from F2329 (or A153) hot dip galvanized steel?
How is G90 galvanized steel different from F2329 (or A153) hot dip galvanized steel?
Can ASTM A490 heavy hex structural bolts be fully threaded?
What is ANSI B18.2.1?
Does ASTM F1554 require headed anchor bolts to be stamped on the head with the fastener’s grade symbol and manufacturer’s logo?
What is proof strength of a bolt and how it is different from yield strength?
Does it matter if we install nuts on A325s and A490s with the manufacturer’s ID and grade mark showing, or can they be installed either way?
Do A325-3 and A490-3 bolts rust?
Does Portland Bolt load containers?
What is the difference between a tap bolt and a cap screw?
Does A320 require bolts or cap screws to have heavy hex heads?
Can I get Grade 8 heavy hex anchor bolts?
Can I substitute a rod with a nut for a headed bolt?
Is it better to use a headed anchor bolt or a L-bolt?
What is the meaning of thread pitch, major diameter, minor diameter, crest, root, flanks, angle, and run-out in the context of external thread?
Is 2-3/8″ diameter rod stocked, or should we stick to 1/4″ increments at those sizes?
Are lock washers available in different strengths and what ASTM specification(s) cover them?
Is Portland Bolt in compliance with the Conflict Mineral List?
I am an engineer and I am calculating the strength of an anchor bolt for a job that I am designing. I want to use plastic sleeves on many of the anchor bolts on my project, but I don’t know how these sleeves affect the pull out strength of the anchor bolts. Is there any information on the subject?
Can plastic anchor sleeves be used with metric diameter anchor bolts or less-common diameters such as 1-1/8” or 1-3/8”?
My drawing is showing a plastic anchor sleeve that is much longer than the standard sizes that you show on your website. Is it possible to get a custom plastic sleeve that is made per my job’s requirements?
Are ASTM A490 anchor bolts available?